This year, the New Year's show produced by City Stage Co. at Thalian Hall is Memphis, a Tony Award-winning musical that opened on Broadway in 2009. The show is based loosely on the life of Dewey Philips, the first white DJ to play black music back in the 1950s.
The director, Justin Smith, plus actors Barbara Mootoo (Felicia) and Jerrial Young (Bobby) joined us in the studio. Mootoo is a guest actor from the Bronx; Young hails from Connecticut. Young toured with the Broadway production prior to coming to Wilmington for this performance. Other notable actors include Paul Teal, Nygel Robinson, Khawon Porter, Jon Stafford, and Rasa Love.
Opening Night 7:30 Wednesday, Dec. 30 then Thursdays-Sundays through Jan. 17 Thursdays-Saturdays 7:30, Sundays 3:00
Memphis opens on Wednesday, December 30 and runs through Sunday, January 17th. Thursday, December 31st is sold out for New Year's Eve. Find tickets here for the rest of the run. Listen to director Justin Smith and actors Barbara Mootoo and Jerrial Young talk about the show here: